Dear prayer partner,
September marked the first month for Victory Baptist Church in Posadas, Misiones! During this time, we had around 60 visitors, with new faces every Sunday. Our average attendance has been 20 for the Sunday services, and we’ve witnessed 3 professions of faith along with 2 baptisms. Most of the newcomers have some kind of church background and already know Christ as their Savior.
We are currently holding a Saturday night Bible study and prayer time, as well as a Sunday morning general service. God has blessed us with a wonderful group of people to minister to, and we continue to grow week by week. Below are the pictures of Elisha and Hanna, a couple who attended our first service and have not missed a single meeting or Bible study since! They accepted Christ as their Savior during our first visit to their home and were baptized last week. They’ve also gotten involved in serving and have expressed a desire to honor God in their lives. During that initial visit, they mentioned they weren’t married, to which I responded, “That’s an easy fix!” Now we are planning their wedding for October 25th!
Another young man, Seba, came to the first service and has been faithful ever since. During my visit with him, he testified that he accepted Christ after going home from that service. This month alone, he’s already read 8 books of the Bible and has told me he wants to draw closer to God quickly.
God also sent us a family that is fairly mature in their faith but had left their previous church due to doctrinal issues. As they read more Scripture, they realized that while their former church preached the gospel, it had started embracing teachings that are not biblical. These are just a few of the amazing testimonies of those God has brought into our care.
We anticipate needing a larger meeting space by the end of the year and are eager to purchase land and begin building as soon as possible because it would be better for many reasons than trying to rent a suitable space. I’ve been exploring options for purchasing land at a good price and am planning how to build quickly and affordably while keeping future growth in mind.
It’s also starting to get very hot here, and we are in desperate need of an air conditioner for the church. While I know that some places get just as hot and manage without AC, the situation in Posadas is different. Here, everyone has AC in their homes, and all businesses are equipped with it, so having a properly climatized church is important for our ministry to effectively represent Christ. We’ve already begun taking up offerings here, but it could take us a long time to raise the necessary funds. If it’s something your church could help with, would you consider asking them to contribute towards purchasing the AC unit for us? We need a 6-ton unit, which costs $6,500. This investment would last over 20 years and can be moved to our next location when God provides a larger space.
For His Service,
Benjamin and Bernice George